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Sealed With A Kiss Project 0+

Sealed with a Kiss is an online community of writers from around the world, spreading love, happiness and encouragement to strangers through handwritten letters. Members compose letters with positive messages and leave them in random places for strangers to find. All the letters written and released into the wild are assigned a number. This allows us to have a running total of the letters written by our project members. We can also keep track of which letters have been found by offering those who find the letters the option of contacting us using an online form and entering in the number found within their envelope. When the form is submitted, we can identify the writer of the letter and let them know their letter has been found. We can also forward any feedback that was left by the finder. As a result, this becomes a personal endeavor for our writers while still keeping the privacy of the writer intact! Although we know that some letters may go unreported, this project is an experimental labor of love that we hope will expand and continue to evolve for years to come.

Members have access to the Writer’s Corner on our site where they can find everything they need for the project including printable contact slips and stationery, inspiration for letters, and the forms necessary for requesting numbers for their letters and reporting letter locations.

2014-09-18 09:26
2013-2025 © Little joys